When you own a business. it's not all a bowl of cherries.
There are so very many hats that you need to wear.
Today's post is about the year end bookkeeping hat.
I am sooo very lucky that I ... in my 'other' life..
am a bookkeeper, accountant, and tax preparer !
am a bookkeeper, accountant, and tax preparer !
Because of that, I weirdly actually love tax time !!
I guess I'm a math geek on the other side of my brain.
But, there is one thing that I loathe !! And that's filing.
I hate hate hate filing. I don't do it all year, like I should.
I literally sit at the end of the year... this year.. on my bed.. lol..
and I do an entire year's filing in one afternoon.
and I do an entire year's filing in one afternoon.
I have to .. or I wouldn't..
but sometimes I'm lax in doing great bookkeeping during the year... sometimes accounts don't balance, and I don't take the time to do the work
(have you ever heard the phrase 'the cobbler's children have no shoes' ?
yep that's me.)
yep that's me.)
So... if I need to look something up for taxes ..
I need to be able to find it... so there ya go.
I need to be able to find it... so there ya go.
Today was that day .
Snow on the ground, me on my bed,
a webinar playing on my laptop (this is also training season)
a webinar playing on my laptop (this is also training season)
and boom, just like that .. a nice sorted pile.
But, after all, it can't be all fun and games.. right ?
That's it .. just wanted to give you a glimpse of the
un-glamorous side of running your own biz.
But don't worry, the good stuff will be coming soon... because I really can't wait to get back on the road !!
It's gonna be a great year.. I can feel it already !

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see ya soon ! I'm so happy to be back blogging !